You are very welcome in our dental practice located in Amersfoort with our experienced medical team, led by K.D. Go, dentist implantologist and Melek Delen, practice manager. The high demand for medical facilities in Amersfoort and the need for high-quality, affordable, and accessible dental care has led to the opening of the Tandartsenpraktijk Liendert in November 2023 in the Healthcare Center Liendert.
Amersfoort District has a diverse character and has developed rapidly in recent decades. A city with a special dynamic, which also requires customization from medical care. The team of Tandartsenpraktijk Liendert is also aware of the diversity of the district(s) and therefore consists of multilingual employees.
Tandartsenpraktijk Liendert is active in the field of general dentistry, implantology, periodontology, endodontology, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry and oral hygiene. Employees consider proactive advice about health as an important core task. The team would like to share its knowledge with the residents of Amersfoort.
You can register completely free of charge by completing the registration form online.
Registration is of course also possible at the reception.